
Thank you to these artists and animators for helping me make my dreams come true! 

Model art: @orangesekai1

Rigging: @Bg2_4 

Rigging for Ak the Racc: @adhiesc

Starting Soon artworks: @renlewiz, @orangesekai1, @nrn_sk

Animation for above screens: @Hyaacin

Animated background: @ArthaErwin

Just Chatting backgrounds: @ArtNailum , @Omorphia1

Stinger: @BillyNabil_

Logo: @kuroha_17

DF Logo: @Efhena

Theme music: aprilmusic on Fiverr


Gamer Supps Alert: @MoshieStudio

Emotes and badges: @aridonall, @RAIKAN_RIKANTO

Emotes continued: Me lol

Panel chibi art: @rightleftagony , @hana87z

Panel art: @renlewiz, @TakoYuui

Panels: Me 

Banner: @ringeko_tan 
